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operating profit (EBITDA) %
Steven Briginshaw avatar
Written by Steven Briginshaw
Updated over 10 months ago

Operating Profit (EBITDA) % is your net profit before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation for the current period.

The underlying calculations can be found by clicking on the tile and flipping it around to reveal the graphs and numbers in more detail.

If you select a finalised month (see red square above) that isn't the financial year end then the figures will be annualised for the current financial period.

Non-operating income is excluded from the EBITDA calculation. You can check the nominal accounts that are mapped to ‘non-operating income’ in Clarity by clicking Settings > Advance and then click the toggle the chart of accounts button ‘Show Automatically Mapped’.

The little coloured number (either red or green) at the base of the figure box, is the percentage points difference in the revenue growth between now and the previous financial year.

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