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A guide to follow as a team during client calls or for a client to complete during meetings/calls

Steven Briginshaw avatar
Written by Steven Briginshaw
Updated over a week ago

Agendas are so valuable. If you ever need to follow along with a structure/agenda of content with a client during a meeting, you now can by downloading an agenda from within your Clarity account.

Agendas help in three key ways. Firstly, an agenda can give the team confidence to run a meeting (team members know what to say, when to say it and what questions to ask). Secondly, agendas ensure a consistent approach to meetings and thirdly, when agendas are sent out 48 hours in advance; create a professional approach, help the client understand what’s being covered and reduce scope creep.

Your team can instantly create agendas (a special copy for their use and a separate agenda to give to the client) for each meeting/call, with an end time as well. We recommend sending the agendas to the client at least 48 hours before the meeting/call.

To access Agendas from within your Clarity account, click Documents and select the appropriate agenda. If you cannot access some agendas then you'll need to upgrade to another Clarity plan.

You can have an agenda internally for the team or for a client to complete. Ensure you select the correct agenda before downloading. You can also select the type of agenda depending on the session with your client. Ensure you have uploaded your logo. The schedule, time and duration can be adjusted according to the meeting.

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